Artist : Tehos
Title : The Mouse Project V07
Pigment ink on fine art paper
Size : 60x60 cm ( image 50x50 cm on 60x60 cm fine art paper )
Edition of 10 + 3 artist proof
Condition: perfect.
signed and numbered with COA
Numbers follow with the sales
only two exemplary will be sold at this price, one exemplary will be sold at auction the others exemplaries are kept for gallery price
Please note shipment is made between 7 to 9 open days after payement for this serie
Une déclinaison satirique, ironique, décalée et un peu déjantée, une façon détournée, de parler avec une pointe d’humour, d’un incroyable engouement, autour d’une souris, une simple petite souris.
A satirical, ironic, offbeat and slightly crazy variation, a roundabout way of speaking with a touch of humor, of incredible enthusiasm, around a mouse, a simple little mouse.